My Writing

Here you can read some of my stories that have not been published. Some were written solely for my own entertainment. Some were written with a specific publication in mind but, for one reason or another, not submitted. A a few were submitted for publication but rejected.

This short story, Two, was the first of three I submitted to “The Face Project.” I was trying to capture the mystery and darkness in that portrait, the parts both seen and unseen. When I started I had an idea in mind, but as I wrote I thought it would be better if the reader had more freedom to interpret the situation and the relationship between these two men.

Allie was the second of the short stories that I submitted to “The Face Project.” One thousand words is a very tight space to work in, but I wanted this to feel like there was a lot more out there in world than just this one night. It is a little dark, but there is also a thread of hope and infinite possibility. Again, I left some room for the reader to interpret facets of the story, specifically how it is possible.