There’s snow coming down as I type this, I have an extra day off from work, so it seemed like a nice day to keep this post brief. It’s been a week full of little things to work on, so here is sort of a mid-month writing update: 

I have a new town setting for the second book of my YA series, so I spent a lot of time researching names. I also researched a specific time period so that I can (hopefully) make this place feel genuine. I’ve learned a lot, which is a bonus. 

I am tweaking my biography and completing some information for an upcoming publication. 

I outlined a series of posts on my writing craft. I wanted to start sharing those this month, but I think I will hold off until March. 

I started a second round of edits on book one of my YA series. I’m focusing more on dialogue and voice for this pass, trying to make sure all the characters sound how I think they should. That requires a lot of reading out loud. 

That’s really it. I chose a silly and popular meme that’s been circulating as the image for this post. My wife and I thought it was funny, but I can tell you from experience that it does not work. Well, not very well. I guess it helps. Okay, it does work but it must be the right kind of cheese. It works great, so now you know what to get your wife for Valentine’s Day.  

Thanks for reading!