I will confess this from the start – I feel very self-conscious composing this post, my first-ever writing update. I mean, the hubris I must have to think that anyone cares what I am writing, how much I have written, or any other random tidbits about what I am working on. But here I am, typing this post and trying to pretend like there is someone out there who is reading this with even a shred of anticipation. 

My short story This is Not Happening will be published any day now in the anthology “We Suck at Comics.” Assembled and released by Wayward Raven Media, there are many other short graphic novels and short stories within. You can read more about it here, and it will be available anywhere books of quality are found. Once I have a firm date of release, I will post it all over this site. And I want to thank Mark, Jay, and Alex for giving me this chance. It is an honor to be included within those pages, and these three men, with their unique vision, have helped make it possible.  

My current projects are varied and many, but I will focus only on ones that I have made substantial progress on. I have a first draft of a YA novel, still untitled, that is complete and being read by my alpha reader, my muse, and my least-harsh critic, my wife Jeanette. Once she  has finished her read-through of the book, I will take all her feedback and my own growing list of adjustments and ideas and begin working on the second draft. This book began life as a pair of NaNo write projects, done in two halves with a lot of planning and researching in between. I have also completed the first draft of a novella that was inspired by a painting by Odilon Redon. Both stories have room to breathe and places in both directions on their respective timelines where there is more to explore, so if I can come up with ideas that feel like they belong I will revisit them. 

I have another idea for a series of connected short stories that I am trying to cobble together, but that needs a lot of research and time before that project is even close to beginning. I have spotted a couple of other themed anthologies which piqued my interest, so I may be working on a few other short stories for those as well. 

Well, that’s it for now. I’ll probably do this once a month, both as an exercise for myself to help keep me writing forward and for the people who I imagine are reading this, if they exist at all. So if you are, thank you. It means I am doing something write. (Yes, that’s on purpose. Witty!)