I was supposed to publish this post at the end of June. So what happened? I could not remember how to create a new blog post! I had to go back and find my helpful videos to refresh my memory and guide me through the process again. I’ve taken better notes this time, so hopefully that will not happen again. 

A month has passed since my last writing update without so much as a comment. I am not surprised. If an author posts about his writing and no one reads it, does it mean anything? Who knows. But for me, it is a tool to remind me of my progress, a prod to keep me moving forward and hopefully not spend time looking back. As I have often said, I will never be the author who writes the most. Hopefully, I will be known more for the quality of my work, not the number of pages I have filled. And so, onward! 

I have finished my read-through of my as-yet-untitled YA novel. I have begun the process of sorting through my changes and turning them into a second draft. My wife is nearly done with her read-through as well, and I confess I am very nervous about reading her remarks and listening to her evaluation. I hope she likes it because I have the backbone of a plot that begins in that book and finishes four books later, but I need to be sure the beginning is a perfect starting point first. Why five books? I don’t know, it just seemed right. For now, it needs a tremendous amount of work. My goal is to have that second draft completed by the end of the summer, along with a more substantial outline of the complete journey those characters will take. 

I am working on a short (less than ten thousand words) fantasy story for an anthology I stumbled upon. I have been a fan of the genre since the first time I read “The Hobbit,” which of course led to a deeper appreciation of fantasy and set me on a course that included the worlds of Brooks, Moorcock, and Jordan among others, along with endless hours spent with my favorite dungeon masters. This anthology seemed like a chance to do a little something purely within the fantasy realm. The story was inspired by a typo – yes, I am serious – that stuck with me until I found a plot that I liked to go along with it. Once it is complete and submitted to the anthology, I might share the title. Maybe. 

I have another short story that is being published titled Newborn. You can read more about that on the In Print page. Hopefully I will have a lot more to share about that soon, but for now I will tell you that I am very excited about this project. 

I guess that is about it for now. If anyone is actually reading this, post a comment, even if just to say hello. And if you want to ask me any questions, feel free. I struggle with what to post here because I don’t know what others will want to read. So if you are reading this please, ask me some questions or post some comments about what you would like to know. 

Be well and I will continue to try and do something write. (I know – the same lame joke as last time.)