At last, I can officially announce that my story Ideal Bounds will be appearing in We Suck at Comics Volume 2! The theme for this edition is “Coloring Outside the Lines.” The book should be available this winter – of course, I will post updates often – after a Kickstarter campaign coming soon. The guys at Wayward Raven Media – Mark, Alex, Jay & Steve – put together an amazing first book, and I cannot wait to see this new volume. 

The preview page for this Kickstarter is up now. We need to get to a certain number of people following it before they will begin the donation phase. So please, take a moment to go to Kickstarter and follow the page. You don’t need to donate – though we would sure appreciate it if you do – so just click that “Notify Me at Launch” button. Thanks!

I won’t go too much into my story, but I will say that I embraced that theme fully, both within the story and in the crafting of its individual pieces. In past writing updates, I mentioned that I was working on an epistolary story for this volume. I had no idea how much work it would be or how tricky it can be to craft a story without all the narrative tools that I can usually employ. In the end I learned a lot and I love the way Ideal Bounds turned out. I set out to do something that would challenge me, and it certainly did. Luckily, I had help. 

My amazing wife is a big part of why this piece was good enough to be included. It simply would not be the same without her contribution. She worked hard, helped me tighten up the narrative, and was vital to forming the voice of her character and the finished look of the piece. For all her effort and input into this story, her name will be appearing next to mine in the anthology. I have no words to express how happy and blessed I am.  

By the way – she told me that I should never attempt something like that again.  

So be on the lookout for more information about the Kickstarter, including a promotional video featuring the guys at Wayward Raven and a bunch of talented creators (including yours truly along with my better half) and the eventual publication of We Suck at Comics Volume 2 – Coloring Outside the Lines