I did it! With a few video tutorials, a little trial and error, and some insight from my always-amazing wife, I designed a new page for my site and activated it without causing a black hole or activating the self-destruct. Honestly, I am shocked at how easy it was. I have to say thank you again to Sven and The Free Website Guys for helping me get this site up and running and for giving me a little leg up with learning how to do all the things I do behind the scenes to keep this site updated; if you consider getting your own site, I highly recommend reaching out to them before you try to do it all on your own.

So what is this new page? I’m glad you asked. The new page is titled Resources, and you can see it on the top menu bar (I figured out how to do that too). Here you will find some helpful links for authors. The first section contains places where you can scan lists of different magazines, publications, and open calls to find a project to stimulate your writing mind or to try and find a home for something you have already finished. The second section contains links to articles that can help you with publishing a finished book, whether you are trying to get published traditionally or are thinking about self-publishing.

This page will be a constant work in progress. I will endeavor to update it often as I find new things I think will help other writers on their journey to becoming a published author.

If you have any questions, insights, recommendations, or just want to say hello, feel free to comment below. And if this page helps you find what you need, please let me know. Good luck, and happy writing!