Hey everyone! As you know, I am a supporter of small presses, indie publishers, and independent artists. There is so much amazing content out there, much of which is high quality but never quite reaches the public eye. I want to highlight one of these projects now.

One of my favorite publishers is Wayward Raven Media. They are currently holding a Kickstarter for a new project to help get a new graphic novel published. Napoleon’s Starship is the first-ever graphic novel by Katherine Blakeney – not only is she a talented artist and writer, but she’s also a stop-motion animator and an archaeologist! As I write this post (July 24th, 2024), she is is on a dig in Egypt!

I won’t talk too much about the book – go check out the Kickstarter page because they explain it all much better than I can. What I will say is that I have had the pleasure of reading a few pages of it and I think it is awesome. I’ve already made a donation to the Kickstarter, and I hope you will too. You can also find a sneak-preview in We Suck at Comics Volume One, which (of course) also features a short story by yours truly. Visit my In Print page for more about that. If you enjoy graphic novels, please check this one out.

A ticket on Napoleon’s Starship can cost as little as $10, so what are you waiting for? Head over to Kickstarter and help a creator make their dream come true!

Napoleon’s Starship – An Alternate History Sci-Fi Adventure by Wayward Raven Media — Kickstarter