Welcome to my new online home. This move is one I made right away, once I officially sold my first story and began working on others. I dislike social media (I am trying to be polite; my disdain for those platforms is much, much greater) and while I can see how it can be an effective tool, I would rather have a safe and pleasant environment with less traffic than higher visibility in spaces where the amount of vitriol and bias makes it a dismal place to inhabit. Not to say that I will not maintain my meager presence there, but if you really like me and my writing, this website is the place to get the best and most current information. 

It is at this point that I have to give thanks to everyone at The Free Website Guys. Sven and his team set up this site for me, stepped me through the process, answered all of my questions (and I had a lot), and built this amazing site for me. Everything on here that looks great and works well is a result of their work; if it is broken or looks bad, that’s all me.  

On this site, you will find any information on any current and upcoming publications, including links to purchase them. You will also find a few stories and other writing bits that I am not publishing or that were turned down by various publishers; hopefully, there will be less of the latter. I am not, nor will I ever be, the most prolific of writers, but I will try to post a new piece now and then so anyone who comes by will have something new to read. I will also post some blog posts here – which you know, obviously, since you are reading this first post – about me, writing, what I am working on, and other things that interest me.  

So that’s really it for now. I will endeavor to keep this site updated and functioning to the best of my abilities. It will be a learning curve for me, so if anything does not function as it should, please reach out to me. I hope you find something worthwhile in this little bit of space I have carved out for myself. Maybe one day it will be more impressive, perhaps I will be able to add onto it in a meaningful way. But I am happy and content with this infinitesimal space. I hope my visitors, if any, enjoy it as well.