We Suck at Comics is live!

We Suck at Comics is live!

Now that the physical copies of “We Suck at Comics” have officially landed, I thought I would write a little about the short story of mine that appears within. There will be some spoilers, though I will try to avoid the big ones, so you have been properly warned. ...
Passing of an absent friend

Passing of an absent friend

It was quite by accident that I learned of the passing of someone I knew a long time ago. Lois Martin Bressler was an “adult student” while I was attending Suffolk Community College in the early 90s. She worked with me and a lot of other kids – because kids we were,...
Hello world!

Hello world!

Welcome to my new online home. This move is one I made right away, once I officially sold my first story and began working on others. I dislike social media (I am trying to be polite; my disdain for those platforms is much, much greater) and while I can see how it can...