What Comes to Mind

Here I will post updates on my writing, some short ramblings about the hurdles and joys I encounter on my journey, and anything I find interesting that I want to share.

Holy Cow! I Added a New Page!

Holy Cow! I Added a New Page!

I did it! With a few video tutorials, a little trial and error, and some insight from my always-amazing wife, I designed a new page for my site and activated it without causing a black hole or activating the self-destruct. Honestly, I am shocked at how easy it was. I...

Resources for Writers: Places to Go, Things to See and Do

Resources for Writers: Places to Go, Things to See and Do

At my monthly writers group meeting, as I discussed some prior successes and places I was sending off more stories to, I was asked about where I find these publications. I was able to give a general and probably not very helpful answer, but it got me to thinking about...

March 2024 Writing Update – Ides on the Prize

March 2024 Writing Update – Ides on the Prize

Welcome to this month’s update, albeit a tad late. March has been a busy thirty-one days, so let’s get right to it.  First, I did something I have thought about for a while – I joined a writer’s group. I was fortunate that my local library was starting up a new...

February 2024 Writing Update (Better Late Than Never)

February 2024 Writing Update (Better Late Than Never)

It’s been a slow month for me. I don’t know if it was the dreary weather, the short month, or just fatigue, but I had a difficult time getting into a good writing rhythm in February. I was able to do little fresh writing – though I was able to get a large chunk of a...

Short and Sweet, Since it is Valentine’s Day

Short and Sweet, Since it is Valentine’s Day

There’s snow coming down as I type this, I have an extra day off from work, so it seemed like a nice day to keep this post brief. It’s been a week full of little things to work on, so here is sort of a mid-month writing update:  I have a new town setting for the...

What’s On My Bookshelf: “The Hobbit”

What’s On My Bookshelf: “The Hobbit”

One of the basic rules for any writer is this: read – read a lot, read often, read in the genre you write in, and read everything else too. You’d be hard pressed to find any author that does not have a towering “to be read” pile waiting for their time and attention. I...

January 2024 Writing Update

January 2024 Writing Update

Wow. It feels like January raced by me, the illusion of a busy month and being sick for more than a week. Once I got myself back on my feet, I found that I was lagging on my monthly goals. With a little hard work and some perseverance, I was able to catch up and...