I am thrilled and honored to announce that my short story Blade of Glass has been accepted for publication in the upcoming anthology “Fall Into Fantasy 2024.” This anthology is released by Cloaked Press and will be available this Fall! This is the eighth year they have released this anthology, and though I have not read them all (yet), I’ve been impressed by what I have read, and it humbles me that I get to join the ranks of authors included in this collection. 

You can find their previous editions on Amazon, read more about the books on their website, and of course I will be posting updates here as the release gets closer. 

I want to take a moment to thank Andrew and everyone at Cloaked Press for this wonderful opportunity and for your hard work in bringing this anthology – and all its predecessors – to life. 

And finally, if you have been following my blog (you have been following along, right?), you know that this gets me halfway to one of my goals for this year, which is to have two short stories accepted for publication in 2024.  If you’ll permit me, here’s a small pat on the back for myself as well!  

Keep watching this space for updates on this anthology!