Now that you all know that my short story Ideal Bounds will appear in “We Suck at Comics Volume 2: Coloring Outside the Lines,” it is time to begin the next phase of this project – getting it printed.

This book will be hardcover and will have more than 200 pages, most of them full color. That costs a lot to print. To help get this published, the guys at Wayward Raven Media are going to be running a Kickstarter to defray some of those costs.

The Kickstarter has not started yet – we are still in the preview phase. What we need right now is followers. So I am asking everyone to just take a moment to go to Kickstarter and follow our project. Followers helps to increase our visibility. It gets us more attention. It can get us the very important “Projects We Love” tag from Kickstarter.

I am not asking anyone to donate. Just follow the Kickstarter page. That’s it. Of course I would love it if you donated once the campaign goes live. Honestly, if you plan on getting a copy, I recommend donating to the campaign early because you will be able to get the book cheaper than when it goes on sale, plus they always have extra goodies to give away.

So please, just click on the link and save the project. By following the Kickstarter, you can help lead this amazing book to its final destination – publication.

Thank you.
