Passing of an absent friend

Passing of an absent friend

It was quite by accident that I learned of the passing of someone I knew a long time ago. Lois Martin Bressler was an “adult student” while I was attending Suffolk Community College in the early 90s. She worked with me and a lot of other kids – because kids we were,...
June 2023 Writing Update

June 2023 Writing Update

I was supposed to publish this post at the end of June. So what happened? I could not remember how to create a new blog post! I had to go back and find my helpful videos to refresh my memory and guide me through the process again. I’ve taken better notes this time, so...
June 2023 Writing Update

May 2023 Writing Update

I will confess this from the start – I feel very self-conscious composing this post, my first-ever writing update. I mean, the hubris I must have to think that anyone cares what I am writing, how much I have written, or any other random tidbits about what I am...
Hello world!

Hello world!

Welcome to my new online home. This move is one I made right away, once I officially sold my first story and began working on others. I dislike social media (I am trying to be polite; my disdain for those platforms is much, much greater) and while I can see how it can...