About Me

A small piece of my journey to becoming an author

A Little Bit More About Me

When I was younger, I always believed I would be a writer. My English teachers were enthusiastic about my writing and encouraged me to do more with it. And to a point, I did. I wrote often throughout high school and college. I worked on literary magazines and met a lot of others who, like me, had a passion for the written word. I learned and refined, experimented with form and style, and worked hard to develop my voice. And I still believed.

So what happened? I began to realize how much work being a full-time writer would entail, and there was no guarantee I could make a living at it. I still believed, but I knew I needed stability as well. So I put aside my belief and built myself a career in education. I never stopped writing, but I wrote for myself.

It was my wife who pushed me to try, to put myself out there, and she reminded me of my belief that I could be a writer. So in 2022, I began writing with purpose. I looked for opportunuties that would challenge me but also provide me with a chance to see my stories in print. And now I have several short stories published – visit the In Print page for more on those – and my faith in myself has been partially justified. But my journey is just beginning. I still write for myself (and my wife), but I am thrilled that I can share these stories with others as well.

Image from Pexels
Image from Unsplash - thank you Cedric Vandenberghe!